My name is Viacheslav Khakhulin and I develop iOS apps. My passion is development of mobile games and entertainment apps. I develop both own products and custom products for hire.
Some words about my education. Immediately after school i entered Ryazan State Radio Engineering University in 2006. Got degree of bachelor of science in engineering in 2010. Got degree of master in 2012. While was studying I took part in research and development work. For example sound recognition system for federal security service based on neural networks.
As for the experience of mobile development I created and published first iOS app in 2012. In development I use Swift, Objective-C, C++. Have a great experience in graphics programming (OpenGL, OpenGL ES, SceneKit, SpriteKit, Written own cross-platform 3D engine in C++), photo and video processing(AVFoundation, CoreImage), machine learning(CoreML). Worked with different architectures: MVC, MVP, MVVM, VIPER.
You can find my own products in “My Apps” tab of main menu and part of my work for hire in “My Experience” tab. If you are interested in cooperation send your proposal in any way you like from “Contacts” page.